英語の棚 ENGLISH STUDY On-line Dictionaries ob listings
FUN and GAMES Living in Japan Language Teachers AROUND THE WORLD
NEWS  Studying Japanese On-line writing guides Linguistics
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Michal Mugrage      (02/15/2001) 関連するホームページです。

Victoria Muehleisen   (10/02/99) 早稲田大学の英語の先生でとても、よくわかり、さらに
Find out American cities at
Citynet.   (10/03/99) The front page has a useful map of the U.S.
FUN and GAMES                                 『English』へ
ESPN Sports Zone         (10/02/99)
The Sporting News          (10/03/99)  An on-line magazine of American sports.
SLAM!                 (10/03/99)  Canadian Sports News
Official FIFA page          (10/03/99)  Soccer
NBA Page:               (10/03/99)  National Basketball Association

Dilbert                (10/03/99) A very popular American comic about life in the the senseless corporate machine.
e.e. cummings page all for himself (10/03/99) Poems of e.e. cummings-
e.e. cummings life and work    (10/03/99) These pages have biographical information and a few pieces of his work.
The Teel Family Web Site.     (10/03/99) They live in Alaska, and each family member has a web page.
Drew's Script-O-Rama      (10/03/99) This site has scripts to many different movies and television shows. Look for your favorite
Song Lyrics             (10/03/99) Find the words to your favorite song
NEWS                                        『English』へ
 Stratfor                (04/15/2001)Global Intelligence Update
EIU                   (04/15/2001)Economist Intelligence Unit
ZDNN                (04/15/2001)Ziff Davis News Network
The Sydney Morning Herald  (2/15/2000)
The Globe and Mail      (2/15/2000)
  United Kingdom
The Times                 (07/16/99)
The Economist             (07/16/99)
  United States
CNN.com                 (6/6/2000)
The Christian Science Monitor   (10/03/99) (U.S.), well-known for its in-depth news coverage.
Science News Online        (10/03/99) The Weekly Newsmagazine of Science
CNET.COM            (10/03/99) News about computers and other things too.
The Newsstand           (10/03/99) Links to newspapers around the world
The New York Times           (07/16/99)
USA TODAY                (07/16/99)
Los Angeles Times            (07/16/99)
TIME.com              (07/11/99)
Newsweek.com           (07/11/99)
Weeknde                (04/05/99)
DK Publish              (04/10/99)
 Science                (11/14/99)
 National Geographic       (11/14/99)
  Nature                (11/14/99)
  New Scientist           (11/14/99)
Bellerphon Books       (04/05/99)   The Book of Good Manners
Amazon.com            (07/04/99)
Barnes & Noble          (07/04/99) 
Borders               (07/04/99) 
Interloc               (07/04/99)
Surround       (04/05/99)
Muehleisen      (04/05/99)

ENGLISH STUDY                               English』へ
Dave's ESL Cafe          (10/03/99) This site has a Discussion Center, the Idiom of the Day, and more.
The Collins Cobuild Home Page  (19/03/99) has several useful features for students of English including:
On-Line Dictionary and Wordwatchwhich shows how words are actually used in Britain and the U.S.
Mini-World Magazine       (10/03/99)  on the WWW.
Self-Study Quizzes         (10/03/99) Check your English vocabulary and grammar skills!
ESL EMPORIUM         (10/03/99) has idioms, vocabulary quizzes, etc.
  Link to
Student Discussion Forums(10/03/99) at Dave's ESL Cafe
TOEIC              (04/10/99)
InterFM              (1/3/2000)
タイムエエッセイ        (2/13/2000)

Information for People Living in (Or Planning to Live In) Japan           『English』へ
Japan Web Navigator      (10/03/99)  from the Japan Information Network:
                This page has it all! Links to almost every imaginable aspect of life in Japan, all neatly
                organized by category.
Tokyo Life Navigator<     (10/03/99)Another good source of information.
Rob's Japan FAQ: Know before you go: (10/03/99) Lots of practical information on topics such as
                   'the flight over, immigration, and customs' and 'finding an apartments and getting utilities.'
Living Guide Japan      (10/03/99) Basic information about visas, earthquakes, and more.  
Tokyo Meltdown: Information about the music scene, food, record stores, and subways in Tokyo.
Studying Japanese                                       『English』へ
Nihongo Plaza:       (10/03/99)  For students and teachers of Japanese.
Languages of the World by Computers and the Internet.(10/03/99) This site has a brief explanation of
             the Japanese writing system, how Japanese is encoded on computers, and links for Japanese study.
Jeff's Japanese-English Dictionary.(10/03/99)  An on-line dictionary.
  Information on how to buy the
WordTank Electronic Japanese-English Dictionary.(10/03/99)
                                        (I highly recommend it! I use mine everyday.)
On-line Dictionaries                                    『本屋の棚』辞書へ                 
Collin's Cobuild Student Dictionary (10/03/99) This is a dictionary for learners of English. It has easy-to-understand definitions.
Onelook Dictionaries:        (10/03/99) From this page, you can consult many different English dictionaries.
Hypertext Webster Interface:    (10/03/99) This is another site that lets you access many dictionaries at once. You can
                     even look if you are not sure of the spelling of a word. (Just check 'approx', meaning 'approximate').
Jeff's Japanese-English Dictionary (10/03/99)
On-line writing guides and manuals                            『English』へ
Writing Guidelines for Engineering and Science Students(10/03/99)  contains samples and checklists for writing grant proposals,
                                  lab reports, journal articles and more.
Writing Exercises          (10/03/99)  for Engineering and Science are useful for all students who want practice
                                 on basic grammar, punctuation, choosing titles, and so on.
  The Web Page of the Purdue University Writing Lab has handouts on many topics, including, for example:
Guidelines for Non-Sexist Language
Uses of Punctuation
Use of articles (the and a)
     Check out the
complete list of handouts and I'm sure you'll find something useful.
Writing: Exercises in Science page also has information and guidelines which might be useful.
  Finally, you might want to look at my list of
Common Problems in English Usage.
Links for
Language Teachers:
  There's a lot of information out there on the Internet--too much to list it all. These are just a few links to information
  on topics that people often ask me about.
 Internet Resources for English Teachers:                        『
Internet TESL Journal:(10/03/99)   This site has articles as well as links to sites with exercises for students, software, and more.
Dave's ESL Cafe:  (10/0/99)     This great site has information for teachers and fun activities for students.
Intercultural E-Mail Classroom Connections: (10/03/99)This site matches up teachers who want to arrange e-mail
                                         penpals or other internet projects for their classes.
The ESL Loop,    (10/03/99) a 'webring' of pages related to ESL in some way.
 Home pages of Teachers' Associations
JACET (Japan Association of College English Teachers)
JALT(Japan Association of Language Teachers)

Idformation about Teaching Jobs in Japan                       『
Job listings(10/03/99)
Ohayo Sensei -- I think this is the best English listing of university jobs in Japan. It also has language school listings
         and URLS for information about Japan. Ask to have a copy e-mailed to you, or subscribe to the mailing list.
National Center for Science Information Systems Directory Search -- NACSIS is part of the Mombusho (the Japanese Ministry
         of Education). This site is a searchable list of job openings at Japanese universities. Most of the listings are in Japanese only,
         so there are many openings that you might not see listed on the English-only pages.
LINGUIST List Jobs issues -- Jobs for linguists and applied linguists around the world, including a surprising number of jobs in Japan.
ESL Job Listings from Dave's ESL Cafe: jobs in Japan and other Asian countries
   ・ELT News has job listings and a lot of useful information about working in Japan.
  Other Information about Working Conditions in Japan(10/03/99) 
Teaching English in Japan -- General information.
Shoji Sugita's Home Page has information on corporal punishment, teacher dismissals, and more.

AROUND THE WORLD                                   『English』へ
Lonely Planet On-line        (10/03/99)  has information about many different countries.
Excite Destinations        (10/03/99) Information on cities around the world.
The China Tour          (10/03/99) home page has lots of info. about tourist spots, airlines in China,
                               money, weather information, and more.
Budget Travel Information   (10/03/99)  from the Mini-World Website
Universal Currency Converter  (10/03/99) Find out what 1,000 yen is worth in U.S. dollars, Mexican pesos, etc.
World Map Viewer       (10/03/99) You can focus in on any area on this world map.

Linguistics Links
  The Internet is a great resource for linguists, and probably the best starting point for finding linguistics-related information is
The Linguist Network. Browse or search the archives of the discussion lists, and follow thelinks to many other resources,
  from on-line dictionaries to conferences, from software to dissertation abstracts.
 You might also want to check out:                           『
  Home pages of some linguistics organizations:(10/03/99)
LSA (Linguistic Society of America)
Summer Institute of Linguistics This home page has useful information about electronic resources, and even some programs
                   you can download (e.g., the CONC concordance program).
ICLA (International Cognitive Linguistics Association)
Linguistics Web Sites in Japan. A huge list of places to explore.
  Linguistics Programs  (10/03/99)
   Are you thinking about going abroad to study linguistics or teaching EFL? The Linguist List has
a list of linguistics programs around the world
   and Portland State University has a list of
Applied Linguistics Links including links to programs in applied linguistics.
   You might also want to check out the individual American programs below; they are all well-known for linguistics and/or applied linguistics.
Northwestern University - Linguistics Department This is where I (Vicky Muehleisen) went to school! The department of linguistics is
             small, but good, especially for theoretical linguistics, including semantics, phonetics and phonology, syntax, and pragmatics.
University of Arizona - Department of Linguistics This school has a large linguistics program.
Univeristy of Hawaii - Linguistics Program This school has a strong applied linguistics program.
University of Indiana - Department of Linguistics This school has a very large linguistics program.
University of Berkeley - Department of Linguistics This department has an eclectic approach to linguistics.
Georgetown University - Department of Linguistics This school is especially strong in applied linguistics and sociolinguistics.
M.I.T. - Department of Linguistics and Philosophy This is probably the most influential linguistics department in the U.S.

